Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was on Sunday, and before I forget I wanted to write down the cute things that happened.  M was sleeping most of the day because he worked all night Saturday night and was going to work all day Sunday night too.  On the way home from church (alone as usual) B-man informed me that we were having ramen for lunch.  I was not so convinced; this is how our conversation went...
B:  Mom I am making you lunch today.
R: Well I am not sure you can make ramen.
B: Yes I can!  You taught me yesterday.
(That was a very casual conversation about it, but I guess ramen is pretty easy to cook.)
R: I'm not sure we should do that.
B: Mom, ramen is warm.  And warm = love, and I love you.  We have to have it...

How could I resist that line of thinking?  B-man successfully made ramen for lunch mostly on his own.  He was so proud of himself!

Then on Monday he brought home a little questionnaire about mothers.  This is what he said.

Write a list of ten words that describer her (me).  These are in his order...
1. nice
2. fun
3. good
4. cool
5. awesome
6. sweet
7. funny
8. tall
9. genius
10. magician

Obviously he was stretching at the end there... but it made me laugh.  Then on the other side he finished some sentences.

My mom is special to me because... she helps me.
When I am with my mom, we like to... play dodge ball.  (I've never played dodge ball with him, but I
                       will take it as a great suggestion to do in the future.)
I know my mom is very smart because... she teaches me multiplication.
My mom is good at many things.  One thing she's best at is.... helping me feel better.
I know my mom loves me because... she cares for me.

We don't make a big deal out of holidays around here, and lately I've been feeling so ill that I was just happy to be up and functional on Sunday.  But I didn't want to forget B-man's sweet efforts to help out that day.  It is the hardest job in the world, and little things like that make it seem a whole lot less difficult.  (For a few hours at least.)

1 comment:

Diane said...

Now those are some nice Mother's Day comments!
Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful mother - you are a fine example!