Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oven Disaster

Stake conference started yesterday, and ends next weekend. We love Stake conference, and love how it starts in the Washington DC temple. We have loved being able to go together to these events, even though getting a baby-sitter can be tricky. We were happy to find a baby-sitter, even though she was a little young. We don't mind using young baby-sitters, but we were a little hesistant about being gone for 5-6 hours.

1600 - R explained the complexities of our house; telephone numbers, bed times, how to cook a pizza, etc.

1610 - We left B-man and baby sitter for the temple

1615 - Our friend, Erika, questioning our decision to leave B-man with an eleven year-old

1650 - Entered the Washington DC temple

1729 - (1st phone call from our house) - The babysitter was calling (you could hear the fire alarm in the background) saying that there had been a problem with the oven and the pizza. They were on the deck because there was a lot of smoke in the house.

1730 - Chapel Session started

1735 - (2nd phone call from our house) - Cyndi (our neighbor) was calling to let us know that they were over at our house, trying to help

1738 - (3rd phone call from our house) - Cyndi (our neighbor) saying that they had brought the kids over to their house and they were going to order pizza and let the kids watch a movie.

1815 - Endowment Session, happy to get into the first of the four session people would be getting into.

1916 - Jim (neighbor) calling to let us know that our doors were open, fans were on and that they didn't want to leave B-man and the baby sitter at home because of the smoke and plastic stench.

2045 - We noticed that we had received a lot of phone calls, so before we even listened to any of the messages we called home. Instead of our baby-sitter answering, Jim answered the phone. He filled us in on everything that had happened. We promised him that we would be home as quickly as possible - no stopping for dinner this time.

2120 - Parked the car in front of our house, and we could smell plastic at this point. (This is my fastest time yet; temple to home in 35 minutes...thankfully there were no police around. I was rehearsing what I would say, if I were to get pulled over)

2121 - Us examining the plastic puddle in the oven. She had decided that the plastic cutting board should go into the oven with the pizza...we thought that she would just put the pizza directly on the oven rack.

The cutting board (what she was supposed to cut the pizza on) before it got cooked

What it turned into (400 degrees for four minutes)

2123 - Apoligizing to our neighbors for having to watch B-man and our babysitter for the last four hours. (We were debating whether to pay them, instead of the baby-sitter....but that would never have really worked).

2145 - Turned off the heat, opened the doors even more and tried to air out the house

2200 - B-man finally in bed, three hours late....(yes he was cranky today....amazing on how that three hours makes such a difference)

2245 - We realized that the "airing out" hadn't done much at all - so we turned the heat back on, closed the doors and called it a day

2300 - We got into bed...happy to be away from the plastic smell


Diane said...


anne said...

It's funny that you have a "before" picture of your cutting board. Do you take photos of everything before you leave, just in case anything gets burned/melted?

Matt said...

Thankfully we had a duplicate of the same cutting board - thanks to IKEA.