Friday, January 9, 2009


We are playing Scrabble tonight with some friends. R and I haven't played for a really long time. We used to play Scrabble while we watched a movie or while watching must-see-tv on Thursday night. We had to call it quit when we were both getting mad when the other person won.

The good thing about playing with other couples is that either they win (and we are good sports, since we act better at others houses) or we win and we're happy.

Our friends know that we are both competitive, and they share our opinion - if you're not competitive while playing games, why play?

*This wasn't our best game of Scrabble ever, but I went out first with a good word on a triple word spot, and Rebecca won the game.


Sally said...

Nice graphics! Can't wait to read more. I like how you admit that you're competitive.

B said...

Chris and I are the same way - and over the same game! We don't play Scrabble because I think he makes up words. Love the blog, thanks for sharing!

Lance said...

We are trying to figure out if the scrabble picture is original or not. If I don't find out I might die.

Diane said...

Don't ever play Scrabble with your mother (Elna) if you don't want to lose. What's worse is when she and Tom play together.
Luckily I'm NOT competitive, and I love playing with her. We just can't get enough of it!

Matt said...

The picture is not original. Who won the bet?