Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things

Me in the hot springs at Tabacon in Costa Rica.

I usually ignore "tags," but since M is out of town, I need something to keep me busy. So here are twenty-five random things about me...

1. I get to have an ultrasound in less than a week. I can't wait to see the baby and make sure everything is okay. The gender will be nice, but not as nice as seeing him/her.

2. I was once on "The Family Feud."

3. I kissed the host Louie, and he smelled like cigarettes. (It was on the cheek and a dare...)

4. Sometimes I fantasize about being a guest on the Jay Leno show and what I would say.

5. Someday I would LOVE to walk the red carpet at some big event. I told Matthias that and he thought I meant watch other stars walk down the carpet. I mean me, I want to be in a fantastic dress and have professionals do my hair and make-up.

6. I don't ever want to be famous. Which is a contradiction to my last two items. I couldn't handle having people record my every movement.

7. I love having a clean house, but I have to work at it. It doesn't come naturally to me and it is amazing how quickly I become immune to that "random pile" of stuff in the corner.

8. People are always surprised when I tell them how many men I have kissed. (It's a very low number...)

9. I tend to be a worrier. Especially when M is gone. Last night I was trying to figure out how long it would take people to realize something was wrong if I died while he was gone.

10. I am the fourth of ten children. I realize what a saint my mom is more everyday.

11. I took cotillion classes in high school in an effort to be more graceful.

12. I was 5' 10" in eighth grade.

13. When I was about seven I did a lot of bragging about the fact that I was the only child in the family who had never had stitches. Then I got stitches twice in about a month.

14. I really hate sitting while other people are working.

15. I have a fear of squishing snails or other bugs with my fingers while weeding. It happened to me a lot growing up. (Snails can be great at hiding, trust me.)

16. I would love to live abroad for a few years, but I can not imagine wanting to live in another country for the rest of my life.

17. My pinkie toes cross over my fourth toes all the time. Although I have taught myself how to put them down.

18. I get a sick amount of satisfaction from a clean shower.

19. I love to cook and try out new recipes.

20. I love to eat out, but I am extremely picky about where I eat. I can't stand paying for something that I think I could have made myself at home.

21. I love to save money.

22. Sometimes I cry when I hear the National Anthem.

23. I usually have one thing happen a day that reminds me that I will never win a "Mother of the Year" award.

24. Even though I grew up minutes from the ocean I never learned to surf. I'm not sad about it either.

25. For the last five or so years I have been almost perfect about writing a weekly update about our life.


Amy's Paradigm said...

You have written every week for five years!! I am so ashamed. I loved your random things.

anne said...

Bec, you look so pretty in the hot springs pic! And I can't wait for your ultrasound!!!

B said...

The more I read about you, the more I like you.

Jo-Dan said...

Bec...I had no idea you guys had a blog! I can't wait to hear the updates on "Junior". And, by the way, you look hot in that pic! H-O-T-T...HOT!