Sunday, April 5, 2009


We have developed a little tradition in our family recently. On Friday nights we have homemade pizza for dinner. It has been such a success most of the time. We have had a lot of fun experimenting with toppings. My current favorite is a pesto sauce, mozzarella, and then fresh broccoli florets. It's delicious. Usually our pizzas look something like this...

This week though there were several things that went terribly wrong. I used a different dough recipe that made more than I thought, (among other problems) and it all stuck together and then was too big for the baking stone! There I was dripping sauce, cheese, and pineapple on the oven door, and I ended up having to just fold over part of the pizza to get it to fit. It looked so ridiculous that I just had to take a picture. It tasted fine, (as long as you like a really deep crust) but the presentation grade would not have been a passing one!


B said...

That looks awesome! The crust is the best part... the more the merrier.

Rebekah said...

how fun! we have the same friday night pizza tradition!