Sunday, May 3, 2009

Little Red Hen

I made my first batch of homemade whole wheat bread yesterday.  This was the first time that I have done it all by myself, without the expert hands of Grandma E helping me (or mostly doing it) all along the way.  It wasn't perfection, but for the first time it was pretty good.  They taste great, they're just a little on the small side.  It makes five loaves, so we immediately cut into one, and gave the other away to our neighbors.  They always lend us their weed whacker. 

All of this was made possible by my new Bosch bread mixer.  We have been saving up for a long time to get it.  We put it off for a long time (even after the money was saved) waiting to see if we would need the money to get pregnant or adopt.  Getting the mixer was so exciting!  It not only meant that I could now emulate my mother and M's mother and make wonderful things for my family, but also that we had reached another goal of adding to our family.  More on that process later... 

My personality just wouldn't justify my spending the money on an 
appliance (no matter how wonderful) when it might be needed for a baby.


L said...

Becca- yum! looking at those loaves makes me hungry! they look perfect to me! Way to go! and I'm glad you didn't need the money for a baby!!

Laura said...

hooray for homemade bread!!!!!!!!! i'm proud of you for taking the big step in the process of being a grown-up! i'm just saying that, because i know how scary it was for me to make my first batch of bread without any help. and hooray for a bosch!

Steven and Erika said...

I like the photo of your sister helping you with your baby bump ..haha! You make a very cute pregnant lady but not for too much longer! The bread looks awesome! I used to make my own bread but now it is only on rare occasion but its dang good! I have Steven home frmo work sicker than sick and we all still have colds and horrible coughs so maybe it is a good bread day and I can fill the house with its yummy smells!