Saturday, January 19, 2013

Stomach Flu

We have all had the stomach flu in our house this last week and a half.  All of us.  It's about as much fun as it sounds.  M and I couldn't help but compare how our children react to such a horrible thing as throwing up.  So here are what we suppose are their thoughts while throwing up... 
(for the sake of family history)

RM - "Hey, what the heck?  Why are my clothes all wet?  This is so annoying.  Oh look, there is my favorite car!"

J - "I will not let my body do this.  I will swallow anything that comes into my mouth.  I do not want to put my face anywhere near that bucket or the toilet... "

B-man- "I think I might be dying!  This is TERRIBLE!!!  WHY WAS THIS EVER INVENTED?!  I hate this SO MUCH!"

M - "I refuse to throw up.  I will use my jedi powers of the force to ensure that I do not throw up."  (He was amazingly successful with his special powers.)

R- "How do I do this when I am pregnant?  Why do I want to have another baby?!"


Lucy said...

Is this an announcement, R? I can read your comment two different ways and one of them sounds a bit like an announcement...

Lucy said...

p.s. SORRY you guys are so sick! I feel like everyone is getting what you must have and I'm terrified to even breath around people these days for fear of getting it too. Hope you're feeling better!

Diane said...

This is so funny, and I'm sure real. I threw up several times a day through most of each of my pregnancies, so I really have the system down to a science. But I almost never throw up when I'm sick. Ray is the big barfer in our family--at the drop of a hat, it seems. More info than you wanted, I'm sure.