Thursday, August 6, 2009

Doctor's Office

**Be warned that this post is random, and rambling.

B-man went to the doctor's office this week. It was his five year physical even though he isn't five yet. We needed to do it a little prematurely so that we could get him registered for kindergarten. (A whole different topic of conversation.) He walked into the waiting room and immediately started asking if he had to have any shots. I had told him that I wasn't sure. He was apparently traumatized by the tetanus shot that he got in November. Lucky for me he was current and didn't need any. Only a finger stick to test his iron level

B-man did great, and they were very thorough. The first is normal things like vision, hearing, weight, etc.. But then they do a bunch of mental things. Name the shapes, draw the shapes, write your name, hop on your right foot, now on your left foot. I was nervous and stressed for him! Every time there was a circle, he called it an "o" (the letter) or a zero. We've been working on letters and numbers a lot... Then he forgotten what a triangle was. I take full responsibility for that one, he did know it about two years ago, but we forgot to review since I didn't know the test would be cumulative from the last three years! Drawing the shapes didn't go that well either, not a surprise since he doesn't care to color at all. I knew that one was coming. Writing his name was a wash. Benjamin is a LONG name to write out. Poor guy. He did in the end write out B-e-n which I take as a success. Fine motor skills are not his strong point. On the other side of the spectrum he was able to hop on both his right and left foot. We had been working on left foot hopping.

I couldn't help but think that the visit was more of a "test." And that the test was not just for B-man but also for the parents. Obviously I have some work to do.

One more random thought, B-man is 47 lbs, and 47.75 inches! Kind of neat to have your height and weight be the same. That puts him off the charts for height, and 90% for weight. I knew he was big, I just hadn't realized how big he really was.


L said...

Great post, R! I kind of laughed as I pictured B-man doing all of those things, and a little at your comments on parenting. Who would have guessed there was a checklist of things you'd have to have him know by then. Well, I think he's perfectly smart. At least he knows his triangle now! He is too cute!

Laura said...

i get totally nervous to take my kids to the dr's. i feel like i am on the spot. my kids also give random answers to the questions, and also say things like "oh, no, my mom never makes me wear my bike helmet", etc. now i make everybody promise to give the "right" answers before we go in.

Shoshanah said...

I love, love, love this story!
I miss Benjamin and can't believe he is almost 5 years old!

Perhaps I'll come visit soon and he can tell me all about school and triangles.