Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been a little calmer, but has still gone by quickly. Monday morning B-man wanted to go to a “big park” so we went to a fun park that is a little further away. Within no time B-man was running around with a pack of boys about his same age. That afternoon we also made a trip to the pool. We have settled into a bit of a routine, if the weather is nice we head to the pool when it opens (around 3) stay for as long as we can, and then head home for dinner. M and Q both use the time to swim some laps, and I mostly try to avoid getting too wet since the water is still a little on the cold side. That night we also had a quick FHE before B-man headed to bed.

Tuesday we had preschool. I worked on putting some things in those “Space Bags.” The bags worked well, and now I have a little more space around the house. Mostly going through all of the things I wanted stored better made me want to get rid of things. We have somehow amassed a large amount of blankets. It’s a little hard to know what is worth hanging onto, and what just needs to go…

Wednesday morning B-man and I went to the farm. We picked more strawberries and had a great time. The farm has added an eighteen hole miniature golf course. It is not very fancy, but it is really hard, and we had a great time figuring it out. I think it was the first time B-man had ever miniature golfed. That afternoon we swam more and relaxed. That night I went to mutual. We worked on some things for camp.

Thursday was preschool again. I don’t remember much else from the day. B-man did have a friend over in the afternoon for a few hours. That night after dinner Q and I went to mini-Enrichment on how to make different dough using whole wheat flour. It was a fun night out and interesting to see what people are using their home food storage for.


Friday morning I had a burst of energy and worked on cleaning the house. M came home early to go with me to my doctor’s appointment around lunch. The appointment went well and I was able to get a lot of questions answered about how the practice likes to proceed during deliveries. While we were at the doctor’s office B-man went to a play date with a friend. After the appointment we picked up Q and then we all went to lunch with the last of the birthday coupons. We had a great leisurely lunch and then headed home. Since B-man was gone, and I had cleaned in the morning I had an hour of basically free time. I spent it reading and then napping on the couch. It was lovely! I did eventually pick up B-man. That night we had our family party, before putting B-man to bed. After B-man was in bed I went to a “Spa Night” at the home of a friend. There were a bunch of women there from the ward, and it was a great chance to visit with some that I don’t normally get a chance to chat with.

Saturday morning we were all up early. I went to a few garage sales and then headed over to watch B-man at his basketball class. He is so hilarious to watch! He is getting much better at dribbling, but it has slowed his pace considerably. He really tried hard though, which makes it all the more endearing. I was cracking up most of the time. During the last five minutes they scrimmaged, and he is doing a great job with defense. His offensive skills can use a lot of work, but it will be fun to work with him. During the basketball class M left early to make it to the baptism of a girl in our ward. B-man and I hit a few more garage sales before heading home. When we got home we had enough time to eat a few snacks, wrap a present and get B-man ready for a birthday party that he was going to. The birthday party was also for the parents of siblings of the kids invited, so it was a huge party. We actually left in the middle of the party so that M could tour the hospital where I will deliver the baby. The tour was quick, but nice to know what to expect since we could be there any time in the next few weeks. After the hospital we went back to the party, ate lunch and chatted with the other parents. We made it home in the late afternoon and had a very lazy afternoon. That evening we babysat for our co-op. I was glad that Q was there. She was a very helpful extra set of hands! We had a delicious desert that night (after a dinner of cereal) that a friend had brought over for M’ birthday. We also watched the movie “Valkyrie.” We didn’t know anything about the story and thought it was very interesting. I am so glad I didn’t live in Germany during that period of time.

Today has gone by very quickly. We had a very leisurely morning. M and B-man went to borrow the (fancy) car of a friend that is soon going to turn it in for a different car. Since it is a company car he is very willing to share. Later that morning we all went for a Sunday drive in the car. B-man thought it was all very fun and cool. He is definitely a boy and loves all things car. We even had to roll down our windows at one point so he could listen to a group of motorcycles driving past us. Q came to church with us today, and it was fun to have a friend with us. After church we came home for a few minutes before heading over to return the borrowed car and also have dinner at the owner’s house. It was a nice evening and B-man had fun playing with their boy. They are in the same Primary class, but this is the first time they have played alone together. After dinner we came home and B-man went straight to bed.

We love you all!

R, M, and B-man

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