Sunday, January 11, 2009

Catch me, Dad!

This is a daily request for B-man. He will climb on to any surface and wait for me to catch him. He always is asking me to back up - he doesn't want me to be too close to him. He started to jump off the stairs to me, sailing over ten steps before landing on me....with R shaking her head. No fear at all.

Trying to fill the five hours before 12:30 church, I was encouraging him to jump to me so that we could document his long jumps. I got him on the countertop and then we proceeded to the stairs. He pretended to jump a couple of times, so that I could get the picture of how far up the stairs he had gotten. R was going to take the picture of when he actually jumped, to see how he flew through the air. On this jump, maybe it was performance anxiety, but he didn't go as far as he usually does - and hit his legs on the stairs. Other than some bruises, nothing broken, he's going to do fine. He did say that he doesn't want to jump from so high anymore....we'll see how long it takes him to start jumping again.

(R never got the picture of him in the air...and we won't see another for a while)

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