Friday, March 19, 2010

Training Wheels

B-man recently had one of his training wheels fall off his bicycle. His bike is pretty rusty, so it's not really a surprise. He has been riding the bike a lot since the weather has warmed up a bit. Except for the past few days because of the missing wheel. Today he wanted to ride his bike, and M happened to be home, so we quickly used it as an excuse to take off the training wheels.

B-man didn't even blink an eye. He hopped on the bike and then started off. No pushing/holding onto the back of the bike from us. He headed down the hill in front of our house. I turned to M and said "Should we be worried?" but he handled the corner with ease and around the loop we head the following...


And then as he rounded the corner we heard him yell at the top of his lungs...

"This is AWESOME!!!"

He rode his bike for about an hour. He never crashed, and never needed any help from us. Apparently he was ready to have them come off!


emi. said...


elnaclark said...

Totally great. This deserves a photo.

B said...

That's awesome! I could picture him doing it as I read the post. Good job, B-man!

Shoshanah said...

I'm still trying to perfect this skill!

High five to B-Man!

Ellie said...

That is so great. I hate the transition to riding a 2-wheeler because it's so much work for the parents. I would love to have a child just be able to take off on the bike without all the parental work!

Amber said...

Hurray for broken training wheels! That is awesome!