October 10, 2010
Dear Family and Friends,
The week has come to a close. I am happy to see another week go by. Monday I ran errands. For FHE that night we talked about one of the “Fourteen Fundamentals of Following the Prophet” that was mentioned in Conference. I think I will just do those for the next several weeks to keep it easy for me.
Tuesday there wasn’t much going on. I planted three of the four new boxwoods that we bought for our front yard. The first bush was the hardest to get in because it was where the dead bush had been, but the next two went more quickly. I had to stop though so that I could get cleaned up before J woke up. We had soccer in the afternoon. I forgot a sweatshirt for B-man and he was pretty cold at the beginning. Fall is lovely, but I am never quite sure how to dress my kids for the weather.
Wednesday was supposed to be rainy so I skipped going to the farm. In the end the weather was fine and I could have gone. Oh well. I did have a doctor’s appointment. A friend watched J for me, and he took a long nap so I got to run and get some extra errands done. It was really nice! I also started having issued with either a cold or allergies. I’m still not quite sure which one it is. Right before bed we had a fun web chat with Grandma Elna, and then the boys went to bed.
Thursday was a very busy day. Too busy. I should have eliminated something so that I wouldn’t have felt so crazed at the end of the day. In the morning I planted the last of the boxwoods. It was only one so it went pretty quickly. Right when B-man came home from school we picked up a friend’s boy, and then went to the farm. We went to pick our pumpkins for Halloween. B-man took a long time finding his pumpkin. I found the most perfect one and tried to convince him, but he was really looking for the
biggest one he could find. He tells everyone that he got the biggest. After picking the pumpkins we headed home so that B-man could get to soccer. I planned poorly though and misjudged how long it would take at the farm. By the time we got home and dropped off the other boy we didn’t really have enough time for dinner. Luckily it was leftovers so we just heated up enough so that people wouldn’t be starving and were a few minutes late to soccer. J loves soccer practice too. He is always dribbling one of the balls onto the field. After soccer we came home and fed everyone more. By this time I was pretty tired and frazzled. I just wanted everyone in bed, and it is still a lot of work to get that to happen. Especially since they needed baths too. We made it through the night somehow…
Friday was a slower day. I got some pansies in the morning and then ripped out the petunias and replaced them with pansies while J was sleeping. After school we had a good time chatting with M on the web cam, and enjoying the beautiful weather.
Saturday morning we went to garage sales. It was a pretty slow day, but at the last house I found a couch. I almost didn’t get it because I didn’t want to have to figure out how to get it into my house, but it was such a steal that I couldn’t pass it up. I begged some help from some friends’ husbands and they were very kind to help. At first they couldn’t fit it through the door and spent a lot of time trying to take off the feet. Eventually that was taking too long and in a last ditch effort they tried a different angle and harder pushing… It worked. I was so happy to have it in and to be able to let them get home. Now I just need someone to come take the old couch. I have it listed on Craigslist for free, but people are very annoying and keep standing me up to pick it up. I have only had this problem with free stuff, not the things I sell. In the meantime I have seating for twenty in my tiny basement. (That is a little exaggeration, but seriously three couches in a very small area.) After lunch we went and vacuumed the car at a car wash. We then braved traffic and headed to Costco before going to a friend’s house for dinner. Dinner was fun, I was so thankful for some adult conversation.
Today has been a good day. I am waiting for my aunt and uncle to arrive. I love having visitors! The morning was pretty relaxed. I worked on my lesson, and tried to find someone to get this couch. (No luck.) Then we went to church. J was crazy in Sacrament meeting, but calmed down during the other two meetings. While I taught he played in the back while one of the other leaders watched him. After church we hurried home so that we could be there when someone came to get the couch, sadly they didn’t ever come, or call, or email. We ate a tasty dinner while waiting and then went on a walk after.
M is doing well too. He is working crazy long hours and staying out of trouble. His room is tiny, but the food is great, so he is keeping happy.
We love you all!
R, M, B-man, and J
I remember the husband-traveling-days. No fun. Hang in there!
My pumpkin patch rule was they had to carry their own pumpkin all the way to the car and home. That helped eliminate me having to carry awkward large pumpkins all over the place.
The yard looks great!!
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