Monday, June 15, 2009

June 14, 2009

June 14th, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

I can’t believe that June is half over! Where has the time gone? It is so crazy how quickly time goes by. Monday was a normal day for us at our house. We did a tiny bit of shopping in the afternoon, and did some swimming too. That night we had FHE and talked about an article from “The Friend.”

Tuesday B-man had preschool. We also both came down with colds. B-man was a little ahead in the process than I was. That afternoon I baked bread. When it was done B-man and I ran some to a friend and then ran a few errands. While we were running errands a huge thunderstorm came rolling in. We had so much fun watching how quickly it went from sunny and oppressing heat, to overcast and stormy. We had lots of thunder and lightning to go along with it.

Wednesday morning Q, B-man and I went to the farm. We picked strawberries and then played a quick round of miniature golf. B-man is very hilarious while golfing. Q and I couldn’t help but crack up at some of his antics. Apparently he loves it despite his inexperience. When I ask him what his favorite thing to do at the farm is he has been answering “golf.” When we got home B-man ate lunch and then went to a friend’s house to play. It gave me the perfect opportunity to shower, rest, and read a book. It was a great afternoon! Then late that afternoon I left B-man with a very kind Q and picked up M from work. We then went to dinner at one of our favorite places before going to an Indigo Girls concert. We were celebrating our anniversary a little early since we hope to have a new baby by the 29th. After a great dinner we went to the concert venue. It is outdoor and a very fun location. We had amazing seats. Matt Nathanson opened for the Indigo Girls and did a great job getting the crowd going. I was very relieved that the crowd was a nice mix of all different ages and lifestyles. Right as the Indigo Girls started playing a huge thunderstorm came through. Most of the people were sitting on the lawn, and they all got soaked. It poured for over an hour. We were SO grateful that we had paid a little more for the covered seats. Not only were we fourteen rows from the center, but I was comfortable, and we stayed dry. The concert went much later than we anticipated and we got home very late. It was a long tiring day for me. (Although full of fun things.)

Thursday was a recovery day for me. I felt miserable all day and thought that the baby might come that night. I think it was mostly just a combination of being sick, and doing too much the day before. I even napped all through B-man’s preschool. I did have a doctor’s appointment that day, and was able to get my shopping done for the week.

Friday was a slower day. I can’t remember anything from the day. That night was our date night. We went to a friend’s house and played some games. Q had been kind enough to pick up B-man from the babysitters so that he could get to bed at his regular time.

Saturday morning I picked up a friend and we went to hit the garage sales. I only found a few things, but she found some great finds. We ended pretty early since we are both pregnant. B-man had another successful basketball class while I was gone. When we got home we all started working in the yard. I weeded and worked on the flower beds while M mowed and edged the grass. We all ran to Home Depot for a few things and then finished off the yard work. We had lunch and then all got into our swimming gear. We all went to the pool to cool off and have fun. After a couple of hours I came home to start working on dinner. B-man and M stayed for another hour. B-man was exhausted by the time he got home. After dinner we went upstairs, and even though it was an hour before his bedtime he just said “I’m tired I want to go to bed.” So we started the process and he was in bed nice and early. Q and I then went to a little “shower” for me. One of my friends had insisted that something be done, but it was only about six people at a restaurant. It was a fun evening. Q and I then watched a movie to top off the evening. I watched about ten minutes before falling asleep.


B-man came up with this outfit during dinner…

Today has been a very typical Sunday. Morning meetings for M. I worked on my finishing my lesson. Then we all got ready, ate lunch, and were off to church. Sacrament meeting was especially good this week. We had a beautiful harp/violin duet playing “O Divine Redeemer,” and it was heavenly to listen to. After church we cleaned up and worked on dinner a little before M went home teaching. B-man and I read some books. Then we had some friends for dinner. After dinner and cleaning up, M and I went on a walk. The weather was beautiful, and we wouldn’t mind an early appearance by the bambino.

We love you all!

R, M, and B-man


t said...

bambino, you are welcome anytime!

Shoshanah said...

The nightly walks begin. Too bad you don't have a very nice cemetary to stroll around anymore!

I miss you!