Monday, April 13, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

Saturday we went to go see

Cherry Blossoms

 We have lived here three springs, and have gone every year to see these trees in a neighborhood in Chevy Chase, MD where my dad grew up.  I love doing something that my dad did growing up.  Even though we are on opposite sides of the country, it makes me feel like we are closer together.  We took my sister E to see the blossoms this year.  They were just past peak blooms, but gorgeous.  There were petals everywhere and we couldn’t help but take pictures of them.  Even our shoes were covered with them when we got into the car.

B-man was feeling a little camera shy and was more interested in using his umbrella as a shield for his face and a weapon of war against the blossoms.  We were practically the only people there, and had a great time despite the cold and rain.  It’s really hard to do justice to the blossoms, but trust me they are amazing.  M was our photographer for the day, and he did a great job.

B-man wanted to run races around a “Christmas tree” (pine tree) and kept trying to climb the trees.  When we finally put him on a branch, he then was scared and wanted to come back down.  Only to ask to be put on a higher branch…  To be four years old again!


debby said...

i love these pictures. yet another reason i would love to live in d.c.

B said...

Those are GREAT pics! Thanks for sharing. You'll have to tell me where that is so I can take pics there next year!

anne said...

Bec: you girls are having so much fun! I'm jealous.