Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 13, 2010

June 13, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

Most of this week has been back to the usual grind. Monday I worked around the house, and when M got home I headed off to the dentist. I was so nervous, but came away with a clear report. Hurray! Then when I got home M headed off to a P.T. appointment. While he was away I tried to get dinner on, and J was apparently hungry because he started having a major meltdown which led to a motherly melt down too… Yikes. Thankfully by FHE things had calmed down a little. We talked about stranger danger and what do if somebody tries, or forcibly takes you with them. B-man was a little too shy to scream and kick when we were practicing, but I think he got the hint.

Tuesday I got some shopping done. That night I had mutual. We worked with the girls on finishing some camp things. When I got home M ran off to a meeting with the Bishop.


Wednesday morning M and I went to a little award ceremony for B-man at his school. He had been chosen by his teacher for a special “Citizenship” award. It is handed out quarterly, and they donuts and juice for all the families. B-man was really excited at first, he loved his donut, and then it got kind of long and boring and he was just done and wanted to go back to class. We were certainly pleased that his teacher had chosen him for the award. That night M had more p.t. and then he also had a presidency meeting after the kids were in bed.


Thursday was a fairly slow relaxed day. In the afternoon we spent some time at the pool. It was finally reopened and hot enough to enjoy being there. Then we came home to work on dinner. That night M went bowling with his friends at a new bowling alley that was just built nearby.


Friday was a fun, busy day. B-man had a fun day at school. They did a practice lunch and he was so excited to get to eat in the cafeteria. After school he came home and later that afternoon I took him to the dentist. We knew he needed a cavity filled, and we took him to a Pediatric dentist (that also happens to be in our ward) for a consultation. Turns out that he has more than one cavity. He is going to need a lot of fillings; hopefully he will still like the dentist afterwards. I felt like telling the dentist “I promise he has been brushing twice a day!” But apparently he needs to be flossing. Who flosses when they are five? Seriously. After our traditional pizza dinner we dropped off B-man at the Primary party. Then M and I went to a dessert party for Young Women leaders. We had a great time chatting, and ended up being a little late to pick up all our children.


Saturday was a very busy day. It wasn’t supposed to be that busy, but somehow it turned out that way. We first woke up and cleaned the church. Then I went garage sale shopping. While I was away M went and did some shopping for his trip with the boys. While I was gone M started cutting B-man’s hair and discovered a deer tick that was stuck on his head. Our area of the U.S. has the highest rate of Lyme disease in the nation, and we know of two people in our ward in the last two weeks that have been diagnosed with it. M was pretty concerned so as soon as I got home he took him to a doctor in our ward to take out the tick. Deer ticks are tiny! They are seriously the size of a poppy seed. The doctor had some special tweezers that were perfect for removing ticks. The doctor also gave M a prescription for some antibiotics. It was really just a precaution, but we decided to fill it anyway. So when they got home we went straight to Costco to fill it. Costco was crazy busy and took way longer than we thought it would. When we got home I immediately started cooking things for a barbecue we would be going to later. I made potato salad and a tart cherry cobbler. M took B-man to a birthday party, then ran to the bank, and then went back to get B-man. When they got home we had barely enough time to finish the preparations and get changed into better clothes before heading to the party. The party was hosted by some friends and was a great success. Right as the hamburgers were in the middle of a cooking a HUGE thunderstorm blew in, and all the kids and adults had to come running in to the house. We were able to get the kids to have a picnic inside and eventually the storm blew past and we were able to head outdoors again. Everything was wet, but people still had a great time playing badminton and the kids loved running around outside playing with the water guns. J loved crawling through the grass. Sadly, B-man and I were both bitten by some nasty gnats. Once we left we put the kids to bed and worked on a few things before heading to bed.

Today has been a good day. M had meetings this morning. I was supposed to have the Beehive presidency over, but I guess none of them got my message, and so nobody came. I guess we will work on that next week… We went to church and after the Sacrament we left leaving B-man with some friends. I then drove M to the airport. J had a good nap in the car while I drove. The rest of church was pretty uneventful. Once home from church we ate, and read some books before it was time to get ready for bed.

We love you all!

R, M, B-man, and J

**Also noteworthy this week is J's screaming. He does it all the time while eating, even if he has his mouth completely full. I have no idea how to get him to stop. He also loves watermelon so much that he has to stuff his mouth, have he hands full, and some on his tray or he will be very upset.


Nicole said...

Has J learned to scream for ice cream already? Impressive...

Shoshanah said...

You may recall that my sister moved to your area of the country.

At least once a week, she calls us - having a breakdown - about how she has to pull 20 plus ticks off her little dog.

I'm sure it will relieve her to hear your child gets them too.

emi. said...

this was a such a treat.

B said...

Chris screams for food, too. I'm open to suggestions when you get any. You crack me up with J had a meltdown so mommy had a meltdown. Hahaha.. you're a troopper, R, and I love reading your blog.

Ellie said...

My kids start flossing by the time they are 3. Seriously. We have little plastic things that you wind the floss around so it's easy for them to do it themselves and they all automatically brush and floss every night. Can I be supermom for one day? Actually, most of the credit for it should go to Jeff so I guess I can't.

anne said...

Not to brag, but my kids' teeth are so far apart with prominent buck teeth, that they don't even have to floss yet.

Also, better to have none of the beehives show up than just one of them show up, right?

You're so fun.