Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27, 2010


June 27, 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

Another week has come and gone relatively quickly. Most days we were able to hit the pool. We also had a friend who invited us over for dinner several times. That always helps the days to go more quickly.


B-man protecting his blocks from J’s little hands.

Tuesday was a day for visiting teaching. The visits both went really well. Later B-man went to the dentist. It went really well for getting a couple cavities filled. He loves that he can watch “Mr. Magoo” while he is getting worked on. That night I took the boys to mutual. We had a class activity and worked on writing letters to the missionaries from our ward. It was supposed to be an entire Sunday lesson, but we were instructed to move to an activity.


J and B-man love playing with these blocks on the landing of our stairs.

Wednesday I decided to go to the farm. We picked blueberries and I was so excited that J fell asleep and took a decent nap in the stroller. Despite the very bumpy ride and heat. We then went to the corn box, and J loved it! He was so happy playing and trying to hog all the corn to himself. After coming home and going to the pool I happened to notice a big black thing on B-man’s chest. Turns out he got a tick at the farm that had hung on all during the pool. I didn’t have time to think about it, and just took that sucker out. I was so brave, and I guess B-man was brave too. I hate ticks, and we have had way too many this year.


Thursday was J’s birthday! I can’t believe it has already been a year. The time has gone so quickly. I didn’t do much for his birthday. I did get him a balloon, and we tried to sing to him a lot throughout the day. I went to lunch at a friend’s house. It worked out perfectly because I had a doctor’s appointment and the woman that was watching the boys was also at the lunch. So I ran to the doctor’s and she took the boys back to her house and put J to bed. The doctor’s appointment was super quick, but was further away than I normally go. I then picked up the boys and took them home so that we could have a nice quiet afternoon. That night after dinner we sang to J and enjoyed some cupcakes. J LOVED his and pretty much inhaled the whole thing making a delightful mess. It was a good moment for us watching him love his treat.


Friday was relatively quiet. We went for a long walk in the morning after breakfast. It has been so hot, (almost 100 degrees) and has been too hot to ride a bike. So B-man pulled his bike out in the morning to ride. It worked out really well. I think we will do it more. Later that day we went to the pool and spent a great time there. We even packed a lunch. B-man thinks I am the greatest mom when I pack snacks, then when he sees how lame our snacks are compared to all the other kids I am not as great. After the pool we went to a local restaurant that B-man had earned a free kid’s meal for being great in school. I ordered and paid fast so that we could minimize the time there. B-man was thrilled with being able to go though.

Saturday we went to a few garage sales, and didn’t really find much. We also hit the pool. After J’s last nap we ran out and did a bunch of errands that I have been meaning to do. The weather was ridiculously hot, but the boys were pretty good sports. Then we came home for dinner and bed.


Today was our Stake Conference. The two hour block was slightly brutal, but we made it through. J was being a stinker and bit me so hard on my thumb that it is still sore many hours later. I don’t think he was trying to bite me; I just got in the way of his toy. After church we let J finally open his presents. It was a good time to do it because both boys then spent a big block of time playing with his new books and toy. J’s main tactic in opening the presents was to hold onto the paper and shake it vigorously. If he ripped off a piece he would promptly hand it to B-man to hold. I think it is so fun to watch kids open presents. We then went to dinner at the Beehive advisor’s house. It was a great chance to finalize some plans for the next couple of months during all the summer craziness. We then came home for a bath and bed.

We love you all!

R, M, B-man, and J

1 comment:

Diane said...

I remember well the days of a traveling husband. You seem to be coping well - but I know it is hard.