Friday, May 15, 2009

Fathers and Sons

Today I sent M and B-man off on their first "Fathers and Sons" campout. It was very fun to shop for their treats and snacks, and to listen to how excited B-man has been. He has told anyone that would listen that he was going camping in the van with his dad.

I have so many vivid memories of the fun I had with my mother and sisters when all the boys left for their campout. We would always go to dinner, and usually we would try to take my Grandma Hiner if she was feeling up to an outing. There was always a lot of debate about where to eat, but it was often "The Golden Bowl" a favorite of ours growing up. We RARELY ate out, so going out to dinner was a really big deal for us.

After dinner we would usually come home, pop some popcorn and watch a movie. Many years we would build elaborate tents with sheets and blankets to then sit under and watch the movie. One year we reanted "Good-bye Mr.Chips" my mom's favorite movie. I think I was about fourteen or fifteen.  Everyone fell asleep except for me, and by the end of the movie I was bawling.  It was such a sad movie and I remember asking my mom the next day how such a sad movie could possibly be her favorite.  

Tonight Q and I continued to the tradition.  Dinner at a fun place, and then a movie with fun treats.  We were thinking of all our other sisters too.  It was a fun night to have a slumber party.


elnaclark said...

That sounds like so much fun - for both you and for M and B. So cute to think about!

emi. said...

wish i were there! i would love that party!