Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 3 Weekly Update

May 3, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

We’ve had a great week. It started out with quite a bang. Monday during the day I did a little shopping and some cleaning around the house. Then in the afternoon I drove to Arlington to pick up E from our cousin’s house. M and I planned the timing perfectly and we met up at the house at the exact same time. After talking briefly with E and Mars we left B-man with E and headed off for a big date. We were in desperate need of a date after M being out of town, and E was kind enough to offer to watch B-man for us. We drove into downtown, and almost immediately found a perfect parking spot. (A perfect parking spot brings a lot of excitement to any activity…) We then walked across the mall to the National Gallery of Art. We had one hour there before it closed so we did a quick trip through some of its exhibits. When that museum closed we then walked to the National Portrait Gallery. We were trying to get to the museums that we knew would never work with B-man. The Portrait Gallery was very interesting. They had a great exhibit on Lincoln, and then a very interesting exhibit on all the American Presidents. We stayed as long as we could and then walked back to our car. We were both pretty tired from walking by the time we made it to our car. The Portrait Gallery is a little off the mall which made for a bit of a hike, but we felt like it was well worth it. After getting to our car we then drove to a restaurant very close to the White House that is well known in D.C. but not expensive. We were a little early which gave us just enough time to drive around and find a parking spot. We were amazed at how crowded the restaurant was for a Monday night. I was so happy that I had made reservations! We had a delicious and relaxing dinner. We were both tired and hungry from walking around, and it felt so good to just sit and get to talk to one another. I think it was a great FHE. While we were enjoying our time B-man and E were having their own little party. They first walked the dogs at Mars’ house. B-man didn’t let go of their leashes, so that was good news. Then after jumping on their trampoline they headed home. B-man apparently has a good sense of direction because he was able to lead E home (she almost turned the wrong way) and then also lead her to McDonald’s where they got dinner. I VERY rarely take B-man to McDonald’s, so we were both surprised that he could lead E right to the restaurant. I guess it helps that we pass it a lot on our errands. After their fun dinner they watched a movie that B-man had earned in his bean jar. When we got home B-man was in bed and we could relax and chat with E. It was such a great day!

Tuesday was a busy day. B-man had preschool in the morning. Then we all went together to do some shopping. We got home to have lunch, and a friend of mine dropped off her three kids so that I could babysit them. B-man was excited to have friends over. I was glad that E was there, she was a huge help! We watched a movie while they were there (“The Velveteen Rabbit”) and I realized too late that it was probably going to make B-man cry. It did, he is so sensitive and was distraught that they had burned the rabbit at the end. I know I only have one child so I have no excuse, but since he is so big and tough I sometimes forget that he is also very sensitive to sad stories. Luckily he was easily distracted. Once the kids were picked up by their mother E, B-man, and I drove to see Q at her new apartment. The drive was lovely and scenic, and we are so excited to have her only thirty minutes away. When we got there Q was waiting. We had brought a little picnic dinner. We threw dinner together and were able to have a great dinner together. B-man thought everything about her new apartment was great. Especially her enormous bath tub. He made several comments about it! After dinner we were able to chat a bit, but then had to head back home. B-man fell asleep in the car, and when we got home M came out and picked him up. We dropped off the food so that M could eat (he had worked late at the office) and then E and I went to book club. We discussed The Hunger Games which I would recommend to anyone that likes a good book. It was fun to have E with us at the book club. I still miss the Provo book club I went to while we lived there.

Wednesday we had a slightly more relaxed pace. We woke up and had a leisurely morning. After lunch we drove to the farm. E had really wanted to see it, and it is a very fun place to go. The weather was slightly damp from some rain, but while we were at the farm the rain held off. We even got a private tractor tour of the farm. I think we were the only visitors that day because of the rain. We all had a great time. They even sent us home with some fresh asparagus from the farm. When we got home we had a few hours to rest and relax. That night we had a farewell party for E. Q drove down from work (we were so happy she could make it) and we had steaks on the grill, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, and roasted asparagus. It was delicious! I did have to escape quickly to go to mutual. We had a joint activity with the Deacons and Beehives. We played a game, and had a great time. When I got home we made some magnets for Q, and then topped the evening off with some ice cream sundaes.

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Thursday morning I got up early to take E to the airport. Everything went very smoothly getting her off, except that hours later B-man discovered her phone in our car! We made sure to send that off to her that day. We had a very slow day missing everyone. We have been so spoiled these last few weeks having so much family here. I’m so glad that with the baby coming we’ll get to see more. That night M went to the International Spy Museum with a couple friends. I had a Stake training meeting for Young Women. M had a great night out with the men, and B-man had a great time with his friend while I was at the training meeting.

Friday was a back to the routine day. We had nothing going on. We spent our day around the house. We were fairly lazy. We did have a last minute lunch date with a friend from the neighborhood. It was pretty rainy and we were all excited to have somewhere to go. That night we did pizza. Q even came down for it. We tried out a new topping combination. Most of our combos come out of necessity to use things up. We did the crust, salsa, steak cut up small, orange bell peppers, and cilantro. We called it “The Fajita” pizza. It was delicious! It’s great without the steak too. After B-man was in bed it was fun to have Q with us. B-man thought it was so fun that she was going to spend the night.

Saturday Q and I got up early to do some shopping at garage sales. The day was pretty slow, I felt bad for Q that she had sacrificed sleep for it. I did find a few things, but that was after Q had to leave to get to work. M and B-man joined me for the last little bit. B-man was so excited about every house, even if it only had junk. I remember now why I don’t usually take him. He wanted to buy everything! It was pretty charming how excited he would get, and the tactics that he would use to try and persuade me to buy the item. The rest of the day was spent working and resting. We did a Costco run, worked on making break, worked in the yard, rested, went to Costco, etc. At the end of the evening I got to sit and read a book while M worked on his lesson. I thought that was a great way to end the day. Usually on Saturday nights I’m the one that is working on a lesson.

Today has been a very calm day. M spent the morning working more on his lesson. B-man and I read books and played trains. We picked up a woman who needed a ride to church and had a good Sacrament meeting. M even got to sit next to me during Sunday school. (Usually he has to put out little fires that have popped up during that time that deal with Elder’s Quorum.) M reported that his lesson went well. After dinner we made dinner and then we played several rounds of “Candy Land” a game I got at a garage sale. B-man loves the game. M is off now home teaching.

We love you all!

R, M, and B-man

IMG_9871Here’s a picture of B-man and his choice of outfit to go to Costco…  We wouldn’t let him go in his pajamas, and this is what he came up with.


Diane said...

Candyland!! You brave soul. I swore I would never allow that game in my house. Too messy, and it drove me nuts playing it. You have one lucky boy to have that game - and you play with him too! Wow.

emi. said...

i'm a fan of his outfit!