Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10th, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

What a great week!  We have been busy, but with some very fun things.  Monday was a relatively normal day.  B-man and I did some shopping, and had fun together.  M had training at work and so he was working late.  After dinner we had FHE where M gave the lesson.

Tuesday B-man had preschool in the morning and they had a little Cinco de Mayo party.  When I picked him up they were hitting a piñata and having a lot of fun.  That afternoon Q surprised us and came over.  We were both so happy!  It made the long rainy afternoon go by so much faster!  Q stayed for dinner and then had to head back for her work.  That night I had a girls’ night out.  There are several women either moving or leaving for the summer so we wanted to get together before everyone left.

Wednesday was a long day.  Around two o’clock I was completely out of ideas on what to do.  We had ridden bikes, colored, cleaned, etc…  Sometimes I feel like if I was more creative I could be a much better mom.  Somehow we made it through the day until M got home.  The rest of the day picked up speed then until I had to go to mutual.   After mutual and depositing girls back home that needed rides I headed back home.

Thursday B-man had preschool in the morning.  I used the time to work on some deep cleaning that needed to be done.  It’s a little hard to clean kitchen floors when you have a little boy that wants to be around you all the time.  The rest of the day we spent balancing between getting some work done and playing together.  It was a very normal day, and we were excited to get M home at his regular time.  It has been a long time since we have gotten him home so early.  We used the extra time in the afternoon to set up the crib and the cradle.  The projects went faster than we anticipated, and it felt good to have those two things checked off our list.  B-man was a great helper.  He was so excited to see the bed for “the baby” and to put some of his blankets in the bed to share with the baby. 

Friday was preparation day.  I spent the day finishing the cleaning and other preparations for a little Farewell/Cinco de Mayo party that we were having at our home.  I was able to get a lot done because a friend called to see if B-man wanted to have a play date with her son.  B-man was SO excited to be able to go to their house and play.  He really feels comfortable at their house.  M also got to come home very early because he has worked so much extra these last two weeks.  It was fun to have lunch together.  After lunch we went to the doctor’s office.  I have had extra ultrasounds on the baby for a variety of reasons.  They are done by some imaging specialists at a separate office.  I don’t really need them now, so I haven’t gone as often as they would like, (with the support of my regular ob) but following their advice I went in again.  This time we decided to take Ultrasound May8 B-man because we thought he would like to see the baby on the ultrasound pictures.  The visit went very well.  B-man said when we were all done that "the baby looks like a rat.”  We had a good laugh over that comment.  The doctor and radiologist said that everything looked good… and big.  REALLY big, so big that it is a little scary.  The baby is measuring like he should be 36 weeks (I am only 33 weeks along), and they think that he already weighs 5 lb. 15 oz.  I asked how accurate their measurements are, and they said that they can be off by ten percent, but that isn’t enough to make it not a huge baby.  It will be interesting to see what my doctor says at the next appointment. We were able to see his huge cheeks, hair, and that he was practicing breathing and sucking. After getting back home we worked on a few projects, and tied up a few loose ends for the party before getting in bed.  Q came down for the party and we had a great time.  We ate lots of chips with salsa, guacamole, and nacho cheese.  M made some delicious Mexico style drinks, and we played some funny games.  M even dressed up as “Nacho Libre.”  I didn’t have as cool of a Mexico outfit.  For our first activity it was a big success.  I was relieved that it all went well.


Saturday morning I went shopping at garage sales.  It was a much better day than last week.  I found some very fun items.  When I got home M told me to get myself presentable and dressed to be “pampered.”  I was very excited about my surprise!  When the time came M took me and dropped me off at a nail salon.  He told me to go inside because they were waiting for me and would take care of everything.  After a minute of trying to figure out what name it was under I saw one of my friends come in the store too.  It turns out that a bunch of husbands had all conspired to get the women together for Mother’s Day and let them have fun.  We first started with spa pedicures.  There were five women there and it was a blast!  It was the best pedicure that I have ever had!  The owner and his workers were so nice to us and took such great care of us.  After a lot of trimming, massaging, exfoliating, and moisturizing we all were then instructed to travel to the home of one of the women.  When we got there all the husbands were together (the kids were with a babysitter) and they had lunch ready for us!  It was such a fun surprise.  After a leisurely lunch we then all went over to make sure that the kids were still alive.  We ended up staying and enjoying the beautiful weather outside.  The kids all had a great time running around together.  They ran for an hour straight!  I don’t know how kids have that much energy.  Eventually we all had to leave so that we could get ready for a ward party.  We had just enough time to get B-man showered (he was a sweaty dirty mess) and into new clothes before we headed off to the church.  The ward party was interesting.  Overall it was great, but there were not many people there, which was distressing to several of the people that were in charge. The party ended at a decent hour, and then we came home to get B-man into bed.  We both went to bed early that night after such a long day.

Today has been a wonderful day.  I am so grateful for my mother.  I want to be like her in pretty much every way.  I learn more everyday what an amazing mother she was and continues to be.  M has a pretty amazing mother too, and I am so grateful for the way that she taught and raised M.  M and B-man took great care of me today.  First off they let me sleep in, which was very nice.  When I came downstairs they had a delicious breakfast ready for me which included pink pancakes!  After breakfast I then worked on finishing my lesson.  After finishing my lesson, and getting ready for the day I then went downstairs and had another surprise.  B-man always makes me close my eyes for surprises which is very cute.  B-man took my hand and made me feel what they had made for lunch.  We had great lunch, and then we were off to church.  We picked up our friend on the way.  Church went very well.  B-man did a great job singing with the Primary children.  He was a little sad that they didn’t sing the song that he wanted to sing…  (He commented on it when he sat down.)  After was nice and relaxing.  Dinner was in the crock pot so it was a simple preparation, and we all spent some time doing things that we loved. 


We love you all!

R, M, and B-man


David said...

That mask is freaky.

Matt said...

If you think that the mask was're probably glad that you didn't see the close-up on those "stretchy" pants.

Steven and Erika said...

SWEET NACHO! The mask fit afterall and the pants were a good nacho addition...haha..I can't wait to show steven! Happy mother day to you Becca! When I get home you will be just weeks from delivery...YEAH!

Laura said...

several things:
1: that's so fun that you got to see the baby in such detail! i hope you're not too nervous about having such a giant in there!
2: fabulous costume. and, yes, i'm probably glad i didn't get to see it up close.
3. nicely done on mother's day, m. i'm glad you had such a good day!

Emily said...

I love the costume! That is great. The party sounded fun, love the pin the tail on the swine flu~very creative! Glad you had such a great Mother's day, you deserve it!!