Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

Here’s the run down from our week. Not a whole lot has been going on. Most days went something like this…

Wake up to B-man begging for breakfast

Try to convince B-man to go back to sleep

Finally give up and get going

Eat breakfast, feed J

Eat lunch, feed J

B-man goes swimming with M when he gets home from work, feed J

Make and eat dinner, feed J

Work on baby books with Grandma E, feed J

Go to bed

Of course there has also been a lot of fun chatting with Grandma E. B-man loves having his grandmas around. We also had FHE on Monday night; we talked about the “beatitudes” to which B-man expressed a lot of dislike. (Hopefully because he was tired.)


Wednesday we also spiced things up by taking J to the doctor. He is doing great. He has put on a little weight and is now 9 lbs. 5 oz, and has grown to 22 inches long. While J and I were in with the doctor B-man and Grandma were outside playing together. After the check-up we went to our local fire station. B-man has been begging to go, and I am too much of a wimp to do it by myself. So with Grandma E’s bravery we went in and saw if we could look at the fire engines. James a young fire man was very kind and gave B-man a great tour of the engines. I am always amazed at how happily they let people come and look at the fire trucks. We have never had them say no, and they have always seemed genuinely happy to answer our questions and take some pictures.

Thursday we had another departure from the routine when we went to the farm. We did a relatively quick trip. B-man did the pedal cars, and then we picked green beans. After picking we got our box of food and went home. J was a star and didn’t complain at all about being in his car seat.


Friday we were so sad to send Grandma E home. We were so lucky to have her with us, and it is pretty lonely here by ourselves. That night B-man and I made a very quick appearance at a farewell party for several families in our ward that are moving.

Saturday was a strange day. Most of the day I was by myself. For most of the afternoon B-man and M were together. First at the grand opening of our newly renovated library, and then swimming. Then M had to leave for the Priesthood leadership session of Stake Conference. Then he came home for a very fast dinner, and then he was off again for the adult session. It was a strange feeling to have the house so empty after it has been full for so long.

Today has been a quick day. B-man and M went to Stake Conference together while J and I tried to nap at home. Then this evening we went to dinner at a friend’s house. It was great to get out of the house for a bit.

We love you all! It’s amazing how fast time is flying by!

R, M, B-man, and J


emi. said...

oh man, j is so pretty.

anne said...

j looks beautiful! I love it.

RayRay said...

i love this picture so much.