Friday, July 10, 2009

Teaching gone wrong?

This is a conversation that I had with B-man yesterday. We were all playing together. He and Grandma were playing with a top (the kind that spin) that he had gotten in a "Kinder Sorpresa." It is a hollow chocolate egg with a toy inside. M brought back several for him from his last trip to Mexico. Then we used them on Easter morning as a treat underneath pictures of Christ.

Grandma: That is such a fun top.

M: Yeah it's great, where did you get it B-man?

B-man: Uh... in an egg.

R: What kind of an egg was it?

B-man: (long pause) Uh, a Jesus egg!

Hmm I think we were looking for "chocolate" or "Easter." The question is, did that Easter lesson go well, or horribly wrong...?


emi. said...

i say it went well!

RayRay said...

hahaha. i love that story.

Lana said...

Cute! I'd say it went well. Oh, and we can get "Kinder Surprise" Eggs here in England all-year round. They are the ultimate temptation for my kids at the grocery store check-outs.