Thursday, July 16, 2009


Choosing a name is hard. At least for M and me. We pretty much had J's name narrowed down to two or three favorites. We were hoping that in the hospital it would just be obvious that he was J, or T, etc. It didn't really happen that way. We went back and forth pretty much the whole time we were there. We only made a decision because we HAD to. In the end it was the meaning of his names that won us over. Hopefully we can use the other name we had picked out someday. So here are the meaning of his names...

"God is gracious" and "ringing of bells"

That was exactly how we felt, and are still feeling. We are so lucky to have him in our home.


RayRay said...

i love you. i'm so grateful you've let me be part of your home for a little while. such a blessing in my life.

B said...

I love the meaning of his name - and that it was the meaning that helped you decide. Such a lucky little boy to be born in your family.