Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Thursday I took the "red-eye" flight from San Francisco to DC with B-man and J. It left at 11:20 p.m. and landed in DC at 7:30 a.m. I knew that buying such a ticket was risky. The worst case scenario would be that B-man didn't sleep and J cried the whole way. But I figured that was a small chance. The best case scenario was that B-man and J sleep the whole time, J gets his own seat because the flight is so empty, and I can also sleep at least a little. The reality was somewhere in the middle.

The flight was completely full. Every single seat was taken, so J was on my lap or in the front pack. B-man did sleep the entire way which was great; although a lot of that was on me, (imagine a large child and an infant sharing my lap on an airplane) and J slept most of the way too. I only had to feed him once. I didn't really sleep though. Once we landed we had to just get going. No time for naps, which I think was good. I was SO tired by the end of the day. It's been a long time since I have been up for more than 36 hours. Catching up on sleep is impossible with a infant.

Last night I went to bed early, ready to finally sleep. I woke up seven hours later!!! By the time I really woke up for good, (thanks to M helping with B-man) I had slept for twelve hours.

P.S. Nursing a baby on a plane is very convenient. But have you noticed how small the seats are? J kept kicking the poor man next to me during the middle of the flight while I was feeding him. (Despite my attempts to reign in his long legs.) I know his kicks couldn't hurt, but they could wake up a man and keep him from falling back asleep...


RayRay said...

happy you made it safe!! love you.

p.s. did you find your note??? Send b-man on a treasure hunt for it if you haven't...

Laura said...

they should invent special nursing seats for us moms. flying next to businessmen is the worst while trying to nurse discretely. was it at least dark on the plane for you? glad your trip went mostly well!