Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday B-man


Five years ago B-man came into our lives.  I couldn’t imagine life without him.  I am pretty sure that he is the only child on the Earth like him.  He makes me laugh everyday, and I can’t believe that he is old enough to ride a bus and be at school without me.

Here are a few of his favorite things…

He loves yellow, although he has informed me that red is his new favorite color now that he is five, or maybe black.

Pizza “macaroni” to be exact… (He means pepperoni.)

Swimming, running, jumping, and making loud noises

Playing with his friends.

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His brother J, and being a big brother.


Those of you who have met him know that I am constantly embarrassed by how outgoing he is.  If he sees you, he will talk to you whether you want to or not.  The other day as we were leaving for church he asked a woman moving in a few doors down if she went to church.  When she said “no” he said “Why not?  You should go to church.”  All while I am trying to usher him into the car as I know where his line of questioning usually leads.  There is no such thing as “none of his business.”

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We sure love this boy!


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RayRay said...

i love him! and i love you!! and i miss you way too much. can i move back in? haha.

emi. said...

i love him so much! he is dynamite. i want to move back in too.