Friday, September 25, 2009

That's What I Get for Going to Wal-Mart

Our Wal-Mart here in town is strangely ghetto. Don't get me wrong, I love Wal-Mart, but for some reason ours is just sad. M refuses to go, but I still go occasionally. Today I fit right in with the normal crowd. B-man, J, and I were running in for one thing. I found it fast, but right after we found it, I also discovered that J had at some point had a blow-out diaper. It was all over. I debated quickly, "do I just leave and do change him at home, or do I do it here...?" I decided that I had to change him because he was cranky about his current dirty status. I can't say that I blame him...

We maneuvered through the store to the bathroom and commenced changing him. B-man was my helper and gave me piles of paper towels to help. (There were no paper towels left by the time we were done.) I did have wipes, but sometimes you need some paper towels to help contain some of the mess and to use less wipes. I got off his dirty clothes, cleaned him up and was reaching for something in my bag when I hear the sound of running water. I turn around to see J sending a solid stream over his head and off the changing table onto the floor of the bathroom! Thankfully there were no people around. I quickly dried off his face (you know how boys always manage to get themselves in the face a little too) and then got the diaper on so that no further damage could occur. Then I used all those paper towels to dry up the mess and clean things up. To make matters worse, I realized that I had no change of clothes for J. So here we are walking through the store with my baby in just a diaper. I know, classy right?

Then as we are trying to walk quickly to the front to pay for our purchase I notice two people talking, and one of them has an eye patch. I was really trying to distract B-man and get past them without him noticing, but to no avail. Picture the scene, me pulling the cart with a naked baby, and now B-man saying repeatedly "Look Mom, a Pirate!" While I try to say "yes, I see." Without letting the poor man hear. B-man doesn't stop saying something though until he knows he has been heard. I hope that man knows how sorry I am.


elnaclark said...

Way to go, B-man for recognizing a pirate so quickly!! Great write-up.
Sorry about the horrid walmart trip.

emi. said...

The best part about that story is you knew it was coming. With the pirate and everything. I love you.

Shoshanah said...

I was really wondering why you chose a pirate as the 'ghetto' symbol, but then I got to the end and it all came together.

It's ok because at the Borders where I am now employed, a grown adult man pooped on the bathroom floor. For no good reason. Now that is ghetto.

Then I had to help a midget man and his oversized girlfriend check out and it took everything I had not to pipe up about how confident they both must be to have a romantic relationship with a person who does not match them in size. Good thing he wasn't a midget with an eye patch. I wouldn't have been able to hold back.

Laura said...

that walmart does bring out the best in people, doesn't it?

anne said...

Sho, you accidentally wrote "Borders" when you meant to write "the circus".